music & entertainment

Listen Up!! – Shirma Rouse

If you’re living in The Netherlands and never heard about Shirma Rouse… I don’t know where you’ve been especially this last year. Almost everyday she penetrates your living room as one of the singers in the KPN 4G ad and you definitely missed out her performances @The Voice of Holland.
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life, music & entertainment

Time travelling


If I say that time travelling is possible in 2014 and it isn’t something that only happens in a SF or a non-fiction movie but you and I, yes you and I, are able to do it!! Would you than say that I’m out of my mind, a crazy person or a lunatic?? I think most of you would.
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music & entertainment

Hidden Treasures between Trash

The last couple of years tv has been flooded by different kind of reality television shows. There has been a lot of bashing, complaining, openly and secretly enjoyment about the way people are portraying themself and in some cases how people are being portrayed. I plea guilty! Continue reading
